Why Hire Online Filipino Workers?

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Would it be worth it to hire online freelance workers from the Philippines? Even Google and Yahoo does not encourage telecommuting anymore. Why should I if the gurus have tested it and seen it does not work?

My observation all these years is: Not all people with an internet connection can work at home. However, there is a very small percent of people who DO thrive, perform well and even enjoy working for you, regardless of physical location.

So my answer to your question is, yes, it would be worth it to hire online Filipino workers because .. READ MORE>

25 January 2011

Eric Schmidt passes Google's Guardianship to Larry Page

My favorite quote for the day, posted on Eric Schmidt's Twitter is "Day-to-day adult supervision no longer needed!"

This is any parent's goal, for their child to be autonomous.  Eric's baby, Google, is obviously doing well and can be let go at this time.  Google will be headed by Larry Page on April.  Eric has done wonders raising this baby, so he will also be awarded $100M equity upon his exit as CEO.  

I wonder if this comment was solely meant for Google, or for the young founders, as well?

Hehe, don't get me wrong.  I'm about Larry's age but I really appreciate having an older, wiser colleague around.  I am always amazed and appreciative of older colleagues insights, based on experience.  (Btw, Eric is 55 years old, Larry is 37.)  I'm glad the young founders then asked a wiser and older colleague to steer the Google ship. There are lots of startups founded by young people that are promising, but implode due to "youthful folly".

Anyhoo, I'm a parent too and my overall goal for my boys is to also exclaim one day, "Day-to-day adult supervision no longer needed!"

I wish that would also come with a $100M equity, though.

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