Why Hire Online Filipino Workers?

This is a sticky post. For newest entries, see the next post.

Would it be worth it to hire online freelance workers from the Philippines? Even Google and Yahoo does not encourage telecommuting anymore. Why should I if the gurus have tested it and seen it does not work?

My observation all these years is: Not all people with an internet connection can work at home. However, there is a very small percent of people who DO thrive, perform well and even enjoy working for you, regardless of physical location.

So my answer to your question is, yes, it would be worth it to hire online Filipino workers because .. READ MORE>

05 September 2013

My "Formal" Internet Voice,

... does not sound like me.

Flipping through my posts, I'm all serious and criticizing and whotsit. I sound like this:

When really, I look like this as I type:  

Maybe it's the topic?  Maybe, maybe.. maybe....  Excuses.  Okay, I'll just accept I'm a Tard.  For now.

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02 September 2013

Blogging in the Age of Microposts

It feels kind of strange having to write long posts again.

We are so used to tweeting in 140 characters, fb posting in as fewest sentences as possible (if at all), pinning pics, instagramming pics and vids, etc etc.

Blogging feels kind of retro now, reminiscent of a seemingly distant past, but we all know it's not so distant.  It's just that tech changes have been on uppers, behavior patterns on tech usage whiz by just as fast.  Before we know we've changed, another set of behavior is the it behavior.

But nothing beats having the venue to explain things as short and/ or as long as the reader wants...

Still and always be about the reader/ user.

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01 September 2013

Office desk and chair on my mind

Office furniture is pretty much on my mind these days as I am preparing to come back to working from home.  When one works at home, simple furniture such as one's desk and chair is taken for granted.

My unsolicited two cents for you, work from home-r, is spend on your work areas.  After all, it's where you sit going to and from your work, and incidentally, also where you work.  lol. If you have the means to, but just don't want to, allocate a bit more for your:

-  comfort.  Helps you work long and fast hours.
-  some white space.  Helps you breathe, which makes you relaxed, making you more focused, making you more productive.
-  posture.  Take care of your body, and this includes having the right posture as you work for hours on end.
-  prettiness factor.  If where you are inspires you, all those long hours pass by quickly, with better results.

 I'm still looking, and haven't found the perfect office desk for me yet.  I'm also planning on having a small computer desk for the balcony. and also a portable, when-I-feel-like-it-I-stand-up work table.  All this, even if I now live in a tiny shoebox.

Warning: I will bore you in future posts about desks and chairs.  ;-)

Help me out please, post links to pics of your favorite desks and chairs.  I need some inspiration besides the usual ones we see in local stores.

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