Why Hire Online Filipino Workers?

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Would it be worth it to hire online freelance workers from the Philippines? Even Google and Yahoo does not encourage telecommuting anymore. Why should I if the gurus have tested it and seen it does not work?

My observation all these years is: Not all people with an internet connection can work at home. However, there is a very small percent of people who DO thrive, perform well and even enjoy working for you, regardless of physical location.

So my answer to your question is, yes, it would be worth it to hire online Filipino workers because .. READ MORE>

30 November 2010

Online Writing for Development Issues, Causes

I've been putting together in my head the best practices of writing for development issues these past few weeks.  Of course, the usability principles are the same. It's just that those I've been seeing are writing in the pyramid style.  Inverted pyramid writing is easier to use for online readers (where the most important topics go at the top and is mentioned first).  Headlines I usually see are just events, dates and personality-centered.  I've seen these too much I can easily go on auto-shut off when I see any more.

If we are to be honest, in terms of usability, a headline saying "(Insert name of org official here) attends (insert name of conference here)"  is useless information for an interested development worker. I think even the person mentioned won't read that article either. 

I just wonder really how much of a use it is for readers (even colleagues, yes) to find out the top official went to this or that. These conferences gather the best think tanks in the world, I'm sure tons of  interesting/ relevant resolutions or recommendations are done in these workshops and conferences. Why not focus on new resolutions/ recommendations so that development people immediately get an idea what happened, then just conveniently insert the official attended this or that?

And I'm sure, our top officials, down to earth great leaders they are, are embarrassed (or sick) of seeing their names over and over in lame headlines.  I think they would really appreciate their names alongside with a highly relevant development resolution in a headline. 

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