Why Hire Online Filipino Workers?

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Would it be worth it to hire online freelance workers from the Philippines? Even Google and Yahoo does not encourage telecommuting anymore. Why should I if the gurus have tested it and seen it does not work?

My observation all these years is: Not all people with an internet connection can work at home. However, there is a very small percent of people who DO thrive, perform well and even enjoy working for you, regardless of physical location.

So my answer to your question is, yes, it would be worth it to hire online Filipino workers because .. READ MORE>

22 February 2011

Be careful what you issue, cause it just might get posted...

When I was younger, say the word "conversion" and what pops into my head are halos, saints, fluffy clouds, angels and the like.  In the past, "conversion" to me denoted more a change of heart to do what god wills you. 

The past years, I have passionately studied "conversions" too, or how to convert, but this time over the internet. These days, in the age of everything in the net, conversion is convincing your web visitors to click on, do what you intend them to do in your site, such as buy, sign up, email to a friend, etc. etc.

Both conversions may be worlds away, you might think, but the objectives are the same :  1)  To get on your good side, 2) reel you in, and 3) When you are reeled, to have you follow what is designed to be followed. 

So the other day I click this link that points to a CBCP directive  to pro-repro health Catholics to NOT receive communion during mass

I was appalled of such intolerance documented on paper.  And this act, as is wont of any documentation these days, was scanned and published in Scribd, no less.

While it is this group's utmost right to not tolerate members that do not go along their creed, I'm just saying it is still bad PR to have the world see something so ghastly be posted for posterity on the net.

As long as the net exists, there is the documentation that during the 21st century, there is proof that bigotry existed (and from a denomination that preaches love and godliness. So that really sucks.)

A copy of the CBCP directive 
to pro-RH Catholics to 
NOT receive communion during mass.

If you do not want to re-examine your principles on tolerance and rights, you are entitled to that.  At least avoid having it posted on the net.  These things, posted on the net:   1) don't get into your potential or existing members' good side, 2) you are not reeling in but blocking access to current members and 3) Having your members follow your wishes when they are banned is strange, so that's out.  So yeah, do I even have to point out that things like these do not lead to conversions

When online traffic does not convert, they abandon their cart.  And when people abandon carts, they never go back.

You may say we're not a business.  What is this foolishness of abandoned carts, etc.?  Well then, a little imagination will say that any kind of organization will always have similarities to a business.  If you want to shun people for differences in opinion, that is your call.  If you want to be an island in this age of engaging with people, then that is your choice, even if no man is.

It is not my goal to post this to convert, I'm just thinking since yeah, this is my blog.  You should try it sometime. 

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