Why Hire Online Filipino Workers?

This is a sticky post. For newest entries, see the next post.

Would it be worth it to hire online freelance workers from the Philippines? Even Google and Yahoo does not encourage telecommuting anymore. Why should I if the gurus have tested it and seen it does not work?

My observation all these years is: Not all people with an internet connection can work at home. However, there is a very small percent of people who DO thrive, perform well and even enjoy working for you, regardless of physical location.

So my answer to your question is, yes, it would be worth it to hire online Filipino workers because .. READ MORE>

13 August 2013

Internet Trends Happening Too Fast, Not Furious

Seeing that my last blog entries are from almost three years ago, I cannot help but marvel at how vast the differences are in lifestyle now and then.  These differences in integrating lifestyle and internet use directly reflect things I have missed in my online work, since, technically, even if I reported to a brick and mortar office, the circumstance is that I almost live under the rock (internet skills wise).

Top differences in internet use that happened too fast under your nose you barely noticed it:

  • Of course, the convenience and dependence on mobile gadgets. And we have finally come to that age when we can carry our internet with us everywhere.  We get to pick whether we view it in large, medium, or small, thanks to tablets, large phones and smart phones.  I used to have a hard time getting to chat with my sibs thrown everywhere.  It was always a pain to have everyone pasted in front of their computer, camera and microphone.  And I never realized we would all suddenly be able to talk because of the smart phone.  Yup, still using the phone, but only because of the internet.
  • Internet speed, definitely up.  I knew the day would come that all of us would zoom through our surfing, movie watching, uploading, downloading, but I never expected it to happen (even to my country with greedy internet caps) in a year or two.  I don't even need to buy movies now.  Never expected I could go watch a movie anytime even if I was huddled in a corner toting just my phone.
  • And because of handy gadgets and speedy access, everyone talks everywhere.  Finally, it's the consumer who gets to have a say now.  The once 1-way communicators, the big companies, politicians, and other opinion makers, have finally gotten the message that customers like to talk to them, and they talk quite a lot.  And customers/ clients/ stakeholders expect to be replied to.  So be very careful about throwing your weight around.
  • We used to tell our stories through text and pictures, now it's a happy assortment of copy, still and moving visuals, and sound.  Opinion makers, wanna-be opinion makers, and people who just want to share get to pick the sense they find it easiest to appeal to the most.  Because of the speed and convenience, instagram, video uploads, soundcloud, pinterest, maps, weather updates from the other side of the planet are easy to use, putting the followee and the followers in total control of their preferences.  
  • Integration of all media, accessible in one gadget of choice - net, phone, tv casts, radio, etc.  Taking one media venue and being able to access all of them in one big or small gadget (whatever you prefer, like I said) blows my mind away.  

For my friends who scan through my ancient posts, you will notice how I like comparing the current to the recent past.  I am fond of this exercise as I like being awed at the rapid changes escaping me in the present.

I am writing all these things down for me to ponder on what issues to address for my internet marketing studies.  As I sift through these happenings, I am content.  These are fast, happy times for the internet-using public.

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