Why Hire Online Filipino Workers?

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Would it be worth it to hire online freelance workers from the Philippines? Even Google and Yahoo does not encourage telecommuting anymore. Why should I if the gurus have tested it and seen it does not work?

My observation all these years is: Not all people with an internet connection can work at home. However, there is a very small percent of people who DO thrive, perform well and even enjoy working for you, regardless of physical location.

So my answer to your question is, yes, it would be worth it to hire online Filipino workers because .. READ MORE>

02 August 2010

Freelance Worker Expectations from Family

One of the touchier subjects a freelance worker at home commonly faces is:  Family members expect you to have everything done in the home (even beyond human hours), because you are there at home!

I am sure this happens to both men and women home workers.  You are the one at home, and your spouse expects you to have everything done by the time they get home.  They're tired, you should not be, because after all, you are JUST AT HOME.  You should have done the chores, because you are JUST at home.  .  Your geriatric mom expects you to be everywhere they go, because you are JUST at home.  You hear it from your brothers and sisters as well, you should be able to do the family errands, like seeing to land titles, talking to the bank, fixing legal documents for the family, buying stuff family in another country is asking for, because you are JUST at home.

In the PH, they always say "E nasa bahay ka lang naman.  Ikaw na lumakad nyan."

What's with the JUST in the dialogue anyway???

Well, here's some news for all families with home workers.  Like you in your far away office, your home worker family member has also committed to perform a specific service for another party -- and get paid for it.   And that commitment has to be honored.  And get over this fact: that this work occupies time.  So if you need coffee or juice at home, you can buy some on your way home from your far-away office.  If you need some documents fixed, clear with your home worker family first if their schedules allow it.  You are not the only one who has deadlines and set times to do tasks.

Nope, nothing happened today that I sound angry.  But when I do remember this Just just Lang lang demeaning dialogue, I see red.

Family matters are important.  That is why we chose to work at home.  All we are asking for is to be treated with respect.  Ask for schedules if we can squeeze tasks in.  Bear with us for a bit if there are undone things because there is a deadline to be chased.  We will still do that, I guarantee you.  Whether we work in a far-away office or at home, we are family after all, not slaves.

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